30 tips to Run With Joy – Acts 20
The Apostle Paul is such an inspiration of one who ran the Christian walk with joy.
Below are some things I can learn from the heart and passion of the Apostle Paul from Acts 20:18-36:
- Serve the Lord with all humility. (v18)
- Be prepared for tears and trials. (v19)
- Keep nothing back in my teaching which is helpful (v20)
- Teach as appropriate. There is a place for both large settings (sermon), as well as small group setting (house to house). (v20)
- Keep the message simple. Know my bottom line. Repentance toward God, and faith toward our Lord Jesus Christ (v21)
- Be willing to go where God is calling me, even when I do not know what awaits me. (v22)
- Listen and follow the Holy Spirit, even when the message may not seem advantageous. i.e – He was willing to go, even when in every city, it said that chains and tribulations awaited him. (v23)
- Do not fear. Tribulation did not move him! He was not afraid of these things.(v24)
- Life is not about me. He did not count his life dear to himself. (v24)
- Have a goal in mind. He desired to finish his race with joy. (v24)
- Be committed to the call of God on my life. He desired to finish well the ministry that God had given him. (v24)
- Believe that God has called me for a purpose. He knew he was called by God to do what he did. (v24)
- Preach a message centred in the Word. He preached the kingdom of God (v25)
- Keep my focus right – souls and eternity. He declared he was innocent of the blood of all men, because he had been faithful to his call. (v26)
- Don’t steer away from teaching the truth because it is un-popular. He was not afraid to teach and preach the whole counsel of God. (v27)
- Take heed to my own life. (v28)
- Take heed of the flock, the people entrusted to me, to shepherd. (v28)
- Value the church, acknowledging that the church was purchased with Christ’s blood. (v28)
- Be aware of savage wolves coming to destroy the flock. (v29)
- Be aware that there is also a danger of people among the flock raising up and wanting to draw people away from truth and towards themselves. (v30)
- Be passionate to warn people of these dangers, even with tears. (v31). What passion!
- Therefore be on watch! (v31)
- Inspire people to get into the Word, as well as myself. It builds our lives up. The Word of His grace. (v32)
- The Bible also gives us an inheritance among all those who are sanctified. (v32)
- Do not covet others riches or possessions. (v33)
- Be willing to provide your own way, and for those around you. Don’t look to others for provision. (v34)
- Be an example to others how to live. (v35)
- Show by your life, the importance of supporting the weak (v35)
- Find the joy of giving. It is more blessed to give, than to receive. (v35)
- Commit everything to prayer. He commenced his encouragement with prayer. (v36)
The is a life that knows how to finish strong… and to run with joy!