Two Inspiring teachers who are 100 years old!
Wow! What a surprise to come across these two gorgeous ladies, inspiring teachers who are teaching at 100 years old! They are proving it isn’t too late to start 🙂 Madeline Scottion and Agness Zheisnik.
Madeline Scottio – Maths Teacher
Brooklyn Maths teacher Madeline Scotto is an inspiration as she speaks about not just liking her job… but having a passion for it. now volunteering in her role helping students prepare for Maths competitions, she has an obvious love for her students too. A must watch!
Agnes Zhelesnik – Home Economics Teacher
Another inspirational story of a woman who is teaching with a huge passion for children.
What an inspiration – to be so healthy and well at their ages and still have a passion to reach out and help others. God Bless them both!
There are so many wonderful Nana’s and Grandpa’s around us, and it is wonderful when we can make opportunities for our children to interact with them – both sides are always blessed, inspired and enriched.