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Max Lucado has written many children’s books, and some, like this one, have been produced into videos as well.  I encourage you to look more into his resources.  This video illustrates the importance of finding our identity in Christ.  It talks about how we were all made by God, the master craftsman, and once we are secure in His love for us, we also will find who we truly are.

A great inspiration to stay close to our loving heavenly father, and also a warning to be careful how we use our words as they do effect people around us.

Here is the summary of the book below from Amazon.

In You Are Special, Max Lucado tells the story of Punchinello, the wooden Wemmick who believes that he isn’t good enough because of what others say about him. When will Punchinello realize how truly special he is?

You Are Special is a beautiful story that reminds us that we are precious to God just the way we are. It is through spending daily time with him that we begin to see ourselves through his eyes. This is an important truth that children and parents need to know: God loves us even though we make mistakes and have flaws!
