Christian Education – train them to finish strong
#emotions, #finish strong, #sports
This video records a moment back in 2002 at the Olympics at Salt Lake City. I believe it is a great one for discussion on many topics as Steven Bradbury seemingly flukes a gold after a pile up on the last corner of the race!
Emotional turmoil – As you listen you hear the turmoil of his inner voice as he comes to terms that in moments moved from last to gold. As he goes through the finish line – how should be respond? As he stands on the podium he is dealing with the emotions – he has to stop to think what do I believe right now.. Teaching children to deal with their emotions is important, and this video illustrates how real the battles within are. Our emotions aren’t always the best navigators for our lives and learning to work with them is a great skill.
Giving it your best shot – He knew that he wasn’t the best but he raced his hardest and the wise choice to stay back a little was the strategy that won the race.. We have a coach, the Holy Spirit, who will do the same, give us the strategies and wisdom we need for each new day and situation.
You cant’ fluke a gold. He trained hard over the past 12 years and overcame many obstacles. This second video below outlines what some of those were and is a great example of not giving up and also finishing well. His win was a great recognition to the hard work placed over four Winter Olympics!
There are many great lessons that we are endeavouring to instil into our children. Finishing strong is of utmost importance.
As Paul writes – 2 Timothy 4:7 – I have fought the good fight, I have finished the race, I have kept the faith.
We may not receive a gold medal in this life, but there is an imperishable crown in the next awaiting those who finish strong in Him.
1 Corinthians 9:27 – Everyone who competes in the games goes into strict training. They do it to get a crown that will not last, but we do it to get a crown that will last forever.